Thumb Electric Cooperative (TEC), held its 79th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Day on June 11. About 500 people attended, which was highlighted by the election of three directors and entertainment activities.
Re-elected were Randall Dhyse (Huron County), Louis Wenzlaff (Tuscola County), and Kim Nunn (Sanilac County). Officers re-elected are Louis Wenzlaff, president; Donald Wolschleger, vice-president; Beth McDonald, secretary; and Randall Dhyse, treasurer.
General Manager Dallas Braun explained to members how TEC works closely with its statewide & national association to advocate for reliable, affordable electricity in Lansing and Washignton, D.C., and highlighted the opportunity for members to participate in the ACRE for Co-op Owners political action committee. Additionally, he discussed how TEC has refunded a total of about $8 million in capital credits to members and started construction on over $4 million in electrical system upgrades for 2016.
Craig Borr, MECA CEO, attended the meeting and gave the membership an update on legislative activities that affect co-op members.