Cherryland’s Deneweth, Johnson Volunteer On Veterans’ Honor Flight

2016-11-17T16:47:36-05:00November 2nd, 2015|MECA News|

Rick Deneweth assisted a Navy veteran named Dewey. Rick Deneweth, a Cherryland board member, and Rachel Johnson, the co-op’s grassroots advocate/member services manager, recently served as guardians on an “Honor Flight” to Washington, D.C., for WWII and Korean War veterans. “Our Flight took 62 veterans to visit the WWII and Korean War memorials, Air Force and Marine Corps monuments, and Arlington Cemetery,” [...]

Sign Up For ‘Postcards From Guatemala’ To Follow Project

2016-11-17T16:47:37-05:00November 2nd, 2015|MECA News|

You are invited to follow the journey of Michigan electric co-op employees as they work on the “Partners for Power” project that will bring electricity to 54 homes in the village of Buena Vista, Guatemala. Tomorrow, lineworkers and safety employees from Cherryland, Great Lakes Energy, HomeWorks Tri-Country, Wolverine Power, and the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association, will head to Guatemala. Sign-up for “postcards from Guatemala,” [...]

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Three Incumbents Re-elected To PIE&G Board

2015-11-02T15:49:29-05:00November 2nd, 2015|MECA News|

About 400 people attended Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op’s 78th Annual Membership Meeting at Onaway High School, Oct. 23. Winning election to another three-year term were Sandy Borowicz, of Cheboygan (Cheboygan District); Daryl Peterson, of Hillman (Montmorency District); and Sally Knopf, of Hawks (At-Large District). Members who voted by mail were registered for a $100 prize, which was raffled at the meeting. Immediately [...]

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Midwest Welcomes New Board Member

2016-11-17T16:47:37-05:00November 2nd, 2015|MECA News|

When a letter arrived from Midwest Energy Cooperative seeking a member to represent district 8 on its board of directors, Arell Chapman (pictured above with his wife Kellie and children) knew he’d found a great way to use his background and commitment to volunteering in his Lenawee County community. “The board agreed!” says Midwest communications director, Patty Nowlin. “At their September 2015 meeting, they [...]

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MECA, WPMC Testify On Energy Planning, Transmission, Choice Issues

2015-10-20T14:59:36-04:00October 20th, 2015|MECA News|

Testimony on Senate Bill (SB) 437, 438, and other energy policy issues affecting electric co-ops was recently presented to the Senate Energy & Technology Committee in Lansing. “MECA supports many of the energy policy changes proposed in SB 437 and 438, however, there are areas that can be addressed to make this legislation even stronger,” Craig Borr, CEO of the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association [...]

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Turk, Sovinski Are New MECA Board Members

2015-10-22T13:09:16-04:00October 20th, 2015|MECA News|

Fred Turk (above left), of Decatur, and Daniel Sovinski, of Big Rapids, were seated and welcomed to the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association Board of Directors at their Oct. 7 meeting in Lansing. Turk will represent Midwest Energy, and was voted-in to finish out the term of Ken Swope, who retired after 20+ years of service to MECA. Turk brings 38 years of experience as [...]

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PIE&G Communities First Fund Awards $11,115 In Grants

2015-10-22T12:27:01-04:00October 20th, 2015|MECA News|

Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op members continue to generously assist their community, nonprofit organizations and individuals by voluntarily rounding up their electric and natural gas billings. Member contributions to the PIE&G Communities First Fund also provide funds for grants and scholarships in communities within the co-op’s area. At their September meeting, the Communities First board awarded a combined $11,115 in grants to: Lewiston [...]

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Akers, Swope Retire From MECA Board

2016-11-17T16:47:37-05:00October 9th, 2015|MECA News|

Ken Swope (Left) and Bob Hance (Right) Jerry Akers (Wolverine Power Marketing Cooperative) and Ken Swope (Midwest Energy Cooperative) have both retired from their positions on the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association (MECA) Board of Directors. Swope was a MECA Board member for over 20 years, providing particular guidance on legislative issues, including visiting with Michigan members of Congress during the annual NRECA [...]

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Record Number Attends HomeWorks Annual Meeting

2015-10-09T12:25:53-04:00October 9th, 2015|MECA News|

A record crowd, including 184 registered delegates, attended HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative’s 78th Annual Meeting recently in Mt. Pleasant. “During the meeting our members voted to support renewal of the electric franchise ordinances in each of the 99 townships served,” said HomeWorks general manager, Mark Kappler. Guest speakers included the co-op’s 2015 Youth Tour participants, Bryce Thelen, of Westphalia, and Jordyn Rademacher, of Fowler, [...]

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Drews Is New Midwest Safety Director

2016-11-17T16:47:37-05:00October 9th, 2015|MECA News|

Rich Drews has been a Team Midwest fixture for 38 years, most recently in the role of line layout technician. But on Sept. 14 he started wearing a new hat as the safety and loss control director. “We added this new role in recognition of the increasing need for coordinated safety training for our employees, safety oversight of the many contract crews working for [...]

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