2024 National Response Event Exercise 

2024-04-17T15:50:33-04:00April 17th, 2024|MECA News|

2024 National Response Event Tabletop Exercise held by investor-owned utilities invited over 100 individuals from Edison Electric Institute (EEI), government agencies, industry associations, and several electric utility partners – including representatives from MECA. This is one of the “Big 3” disaster response forums held each year – the others held by municipalities through APPA and NRECA with a focus on electric cooperatives. “These [...]

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Navigating A Momentous Shift in Energy Policy

2024-01-08T12:14:33-05:00January 8th, 2024|MECA News|

Michigan’s New Clean Energy Laws Among Most Ambitious in the Country Michigan's energy future is undergoing a significant transformation with the recent signing of a comprehensive set of bills by Governor Gretchen Whitmer. The bills passed swiftly on party lines, with House and Senate Democrats comprising nearly all the support for the package of bills. "This energy package will have more consequences for [...]

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One Fund, One Family: Cooperative Family Fund Hopes to Reach $1M Goal by End of Year

2023-12-01T14:46:21-05:00December 1st, 2023|MECA News|

In the cooperative world, the sense of belonging to a tight-knit community is a core value. For those who work in cooperatives, the concept of being part of an extended family is not just a saying but a lived reality. NRECA President Tony Anderson, a veteran in the cooperative field and retired CEO of Cherryland Electric, exemplifies this sentiment when he states: "Cooperatives [...]

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Michigan Electric Co-ops Contribute Billions to State Economy, Says Latest Report

2023-10-30T14:12:25-04:00October 30th, 2023|MECA News|

A recent report reveals the substantial economic influence of electric cooperatives in the United States, showcasing their significant contributions to job creation, income, and overall economic growth. This analysis, titled "Economic Powerhouses: The Economic Impacts of America’s Electric Cooperatives," also highlights the impact at the state level, over a five-year period, with impressive numbers calculated for Michigan. “Our state’s electric cooperatives power 300,000 [...]

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Baaa-ck to Basics: Sheep-powered Vegetation Management Adds to Sustainable Solutions

2023-11-08T11:53:53-05:00October 25th, 2023|MECA News|

In a world where sustainability and environmental responsibility are at the forefront, innovative approaches are emerging to manage the challenges posed by vegetation around solar arrays. Spartan Renewable Energy and Midwest Energy & Communications (MEC) found an eco-friendly solution to this challenge by collaborating with Dussel's Farm Market and Greenhouse, who use sheep for vegetation management. This unique partnership not only benefits the environment [...]

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Safety Training Shows the Power of Collaboration

2023-09-01T09:15:22-04:00September 1st, 2023|MECA News|

MECA’s safety training workshop has been a cornerstone event in the lineworker community, bringing together seasoned professionals from various utilities. The purpose of the training is to provide a platform for continuing education that is often hard to come by once a lineworker finishes their initial training. The lineworkers, despite working for different utilities, are united by a common goal and skill set, [...]

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Inaugural Quad States Safety Leadership Conference Is a Hit

2023-05-17T15:36:43-04:00May 17th, 2023|MECA News|

In late April, nearly 70 up-and-coming lineworkers from around the country participated in the first ever Lineworker, Safety, Training & Leadership Conference in Omaha, Nebraska. Unlike other training conferences, these individuals were selected through a nomination process that was meant to identify people who actively influence the safety culture at their utility. The goal of the conference was to educate and provide a [...]

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2023 Symposium Reflects on Collaboration & Our Collective Power

2023-05-17T15:32:27-04:00April 18th, 2023|MECA News|

Collaboration was an overarching theme at the 2023 Michigan Electric Cooperative Symposium. Guest speakers offered insights into their areas of expertise, including finance, cyber security, government relations, and of course, the challenges and opportunities cooperatives continue to face. Wolverine CEO Eric Baker offered a rallying cry for continued and unabashed collaboration between all the represented groups, “When we work together, we are unstoppable.” [...]

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Joe McElroy Presented Leroy M. Vanderpool Award

2023-04-18T11:26:42-04:00January 19th, 2023|MECA News|

MECA Safety Director, Joe McElroy, was recently presented the Leroy M. Vanderpool Recognition Award at the January Quad State Instructors Winter Conference.   “I am beyond humbled to receive this award,” McElroy said, “there are multiple people within the Quad States group who are more deserving to be chosen.”  Leroy Vanderpool was a pioneer in safety at the co-op level. His contributions to Quad [...]

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