500 Members Attend Thumb’s Annual Meeting

2016-11-17T16:47:36-05:00June 17th, 2016|MECA News|

Thumb Electric Cooperative (TEC), held its 79th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Day on June 11. About 500 people attended, which was highlighted by the election of three directors and entertainment activities. Re-elected were Randall Dhyse (Huron County), Louis Wenzlaff (Tuscola County), and Kim Nunn (Sanilac County). Officers re-elected are Louis Wenzlaff, president; Donald Wolschleger, vice-president; Beth McDonald, secretary; and Randall Dhyse, treasurer. General [...]

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Team Midwest employees change the landscape in day of service

2016-06-22T12:02:27-04:00June 17th, 2016|MECA News|

Mother Nature tried to foil Team Midwest with threats of storms, but in the end Team Midwest took Cassopolis by storm in this week’s Changing the Landscape Day of Service. On Wednesday, the entire southwest Michigan family of Midwest Energy Cooperative, Midwest Propane and Midwest Connections employees came together in an unprecedented day of community service across Cassopolis and surrounding communities. Nearly 90 employees [...]

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MI Co-op Kitchen – Serving up Community

2016-06-23T11:12:27-04:00June 13th, 2016|MECA News|

Everybody loves food. It nourishes, delights and unites us. Perhaps that’s why the members’ recipe feature in Michigan Country Lines has been a favorite for decades. “To build on that strength we launched MI Co-op Kitchen- an interactive digital cooking community exclusively for Michigan co-op members,” explains Casey Clark, director of communications and marketing at MECA. MI Co-op Kitchen launched on May 7, 2016 [...]

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Michigan Puts Clean Power Plan Compliance Efforts On Hold

2016-11-17T16:47:36-05:00February 25th, 2016|MECA News|

Michigan has put its efforts to comply with new federal carbon rules on hold until the courts decide the future of the Clean Power Plan (CPP). Under the CPP, Michigan is required to cut emissions by 31 percent by 2030. Before the U.S. Supreme Court called “time out” on the CPP, Michigan was required to submit a plan to the EPA detailing how it [...]

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Supreme Court Calls ‘Time Out’ on Clean Power Plan

2016-02-11T14:09:44-05:00February 11th, 2016|MECA News|

A stunning decision by the U.S. Supreme Court called ‘time out’ on the enforcement of the Clean Power Plan (CPP) until legal challenges are resolved. The main question that must be answered is whether the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) even has the legal authority to impose these regulatory requirements on existing power plants under Section 111(d) in the first place. Last August the EPA [...]

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Michigan Develops Strategy to Comply with EPA’s Clean Power Plan

2016-02-08T11:12:56-05:00February 8th, 2016|MECA News|

Unlike other states, there is no question as to whether or not Michigan will attempt to meet the Clean Power Plan’s aggressive targets for carbon dioxide emissions reductions from power plants. We will. The question the state is currently wrestling with is, “How will we do it?” The Timeline By September 2016 Michigan must show that we are on a path to developing a [...]

Midwest Employees Give Back

2016-11-17T16:47:36-05:00February 3rd, 2016|MECA News|

Commitment to community is more than a corporate value at Team Midwest; it’s a way of life for the family of employees. In January, employees presented checks of $5,347.20 each to Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Wounded Warrior Project through the Midwest Employees Give Back (MEGB) Program. An additional $7,900 was donated over the course of 2015 to organizations and individuals through employee-sponsored [...]

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MECA Welcomes City of Croswell as New Safety Partner

2016-01-28T15:12:39-05:00January 25th, 2016|MECA News|

When John Peck took the position of operations supervisor for the City of Croswell last year, safety was high on his radar. In his quest to take safety to the next level he began a conversation with Dallas Braun, general manager at Thumb Electric Cooperative. Ultimately, the dialog led to the City of Croswell joining MECA’s Safety program. “We are really looking forward to [...]

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Midwest Energy Cooperative honors creativity and learning with Strengthening Schools grants

2016-11-17T16:47:36-05:00January 12th, 2016|MECA News|

Students from 17 regional public schools will enjoy new opportunities this semester after Midwest Energy Cooperative awarded $30,476.20 in Strengthening Schools grants. The grants are funded with partnership dollars from Touchstone Energy Cooperative. A committee comprised of co-op members evaluated and scored 89 applications totaling more than $156,000, then determined the final awards without knowledge of the school, district or community. Committee members included [...]

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Christmas Eve Windstorm Leaves Thousands Without Power

2016-11-17T16:47:36-05:00December 29th, 2015|MECA News|

‘Twas the night before Christmas when 70 mph winds whipped through Michigan, knocking down trees and power lines, and leaving thousands of Michigan residents without electricity. Collectively the windstorm resulted in nearly 120,000 outages for Michigan’s electric co-ops. “This event was more challenging than the Christmas ice storm of 2012,” commented Joe McElroy, safety and loss control director for the Michigan Electric Cooperative Association. [...]

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