
MECA is a democratic organization controlled by members who set guidelines to steer the association. Bylaws entitle each member cooperative to two representatives on the Board of Directors.

Alger Delta Electric

Mike Furmanski
Don Johnson

Cherryland Electric Cooperative

Rachel Johnson
Gabe Schneider

Great Lakes Energy

Shaun Lamp
Howard Bowersox

HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative

Chris O’Neill
Jim Stebbins

Midwest Energy & Communications

Terry Rubenthahler
Fred Turk

Ontonagon County REA

Dallas Aho
Bill Hodges

Presque Isle Electric & Gas Co-op

Allan Berg
Brentt Lucas

Thumb Electric Cooperative

Brad Essenmacher
Erica Weidman

Wolverine Power Cooperative

Eric Baker
Gerry Bundle

Wolverine Power Marketing Cooperative

Brian Taivalkoski


MECA Staff is committed to providing excellent service to the members, staff, and boards of Michigan’s cooperatives.

John Kran
John KranPresident / CEO
Katie Deller
Katie DellerMember Engagement Director
Casey Clark
Casey ClarkDirector of Communications & Marketing
Joe McElroy
Joe McElroyDirector of Safety & Loss Control
Sarah Moeller
Sarah MoellerAdministrative Assistant, Safety
Christine DorrEditor, Michigan Country Lines
Tom UlatowskiSafety Instructor