Through the Michigan Energy Office, the Clean Energy Coalition has announced that $20,000 in incentive funding is available to small businesses, municipalities, and nonprofit organizations considering electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
To explain the application process, four workshops are being held statewide. Information is available here.
Available funding can cover 50 percent, or up to $2,500, of the cost of electric vehicle supply equipment. In addition, the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program/Detroit Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee is providing an additional $6,000 to help meet the applicant match.
For electric co-ops or other Michigan utilities interested in providing additional applicant match, the Energy office is willing to work out a deal to have the utility’s logo or signage at the workshop stations, says Heather Croteau, project associate for the Clean Energy Coalition. Crouteau may also be contacted at 734.585.5720, ext. 38.