In a presentation ceremony at the National Rural Electric Cooperative (NRECA) Region 4 meetings in Grand Rapids Sept. 8, NRECA’s new CEO Jim Matheson recognized recently retired GLE Director Dick Walsworth and Director Bob Kran.
Walsworth was recognized as a member of Wolverine Power Cooperative’s board of directors. A letter in July from NRECA’s Interim CEO Jeffrey Connor credited Walsworth with leadership that contributed to “the financial and operational resurgence of Wolverine Power Cooperative over the past 25 years.
“You engaged the board and CEOs to get involved on a national level. As a result the Michigan cooperatives’ ACRE contributions rose to one of the top 10 in the country and you leave the Wolverine Board with the cooperative in extraordinarily good financial condition,” stated Connor.
Kran accepted his Board Leadership Certificate from Matheson, the second director certification of three possible through NRECA. This certification built on Kran’s knowledge in electric co-op industry, governance, risk management, communication, rate making, and policy development. Kran was recently re-elected as a director for GLE’s Region 6 (Mason and Lake counties).