Michigan Electric Cooperative Association sponsors two Good Neighbor Watch awards that recognize outstanding co-op employees for their contributions and commitment to the cooperative principle of “Concern for Community.” Below is a description of each award, including criteria and online nomination forms. Nominations may be made by any employee of a Michigan electric co-op. Thank you for helping us honor these deserving co-op employees! For questions about the awards, contact gknudtson@meca.coop.
Good Neighbor Watch Award
The Good Neighbor Watch Award recognizes co-op employees who have been involved with an emergency situation and provided assistance to people in the community during the course of their workday. This program began as a partnership between electric co-ops and local sheriff’s departments and other law enforcement and ”helping” agencies. It has proven to be very helpful in many situations, with co-op employees using their first aid and other training and skills to help people in the community by reporting suspicious activities, fires, accidents and other emergencies, and even saving lives.
Recognize deserving individuals from your co-op by nominating them for the Good Neighbor Watch Award. Nominations can be made by and for any co-op employee, based on the following criteria:
- Event must have occurred in the 2015 calendar year.
- Assistance provided must have occurred during the course of the co-op employee’s workday.
- One recipient will be selected by a panel as the most outstanding. That person will receive $100 and be honored during the MECA annual meeting in April.
- If assistance was provided by more than one employee, each will be honored and the award shared.
Co-op Community Service Award

Electric co-ops have a long history of demonstrating the co-op principle of “Concern for Community” by providing outstanding leadership in the communities they serve. Much of this leadership is accomplished through the efforts of co-op employees. The new “Good Neighbor Watch Community Service Award” honors this excellence in community service by highlighting the volunteer contributions these employees make to improve the quality of life in their communities and strengthen the co-op’s position.
These efforts solidify the relationship between the co-op, its members, and the community. Please help recognize and encourage excellence and volunteerism by nominating a deserving co-op employee for this award. Nominations can be made by and for any co-op employee for MECA’s first annual “Good Neighbor Watch Co-Op Community Service Award,” based on the following criteria:
- The most outstanding volunteer will be chosen for this award, based on the overall impact their service has brought to the recipients, community and the cooperative.
- The nominee’s volunteer service may be over a long time period, however should be current within the last calendar year.
- The award recipient will receive $100 and be honored during the MECA annual meeting in April.