Both the Portland and Blanchard branches of HomeWorks Tri-County Electric Cooperative hosted their annual Legislative Update breakfasts again this year, Jan. 27-28.
Sen. Judy Emmons, Sen. Mike Nofs, and Rep. Mike Callton were the featured speakers, giving employees an update on some of Michigan’s current issues.
“The legislative breakfast is a great way for employees to get together and see how their tax dollars are being spent,” notes Jayne Graham, HomeWorks’ communications manager. “It is also a great way to explain what the Action Committee for Rural Electrification (ACRE) program is all about.”
Many co-op employees are eligible to join ACRE, which helps to ensure the voice of Michigan electric co-ops is heard in Lansing and Washington, D.C.
Photo: Sen. Nofs and Rep. Callton speak at HomeWorks Tri-County’s Portland office.