Michigan Electric Cooperative Association (MECA) Chief Executive Officer Craig Borr recently notified the cooperative’s Board of Directors of his plan to retire in March 2025 after a remarkable career of more than 40 years serving Michigan’s electric cooperative interests.

“For over a decade and during times of tremendous transition in Michigan we are deeply grateful for Craig’s sound leadership, strategic vision, and steady hand,” said MECA Board Chairman Chris O’Neill. “On behalf of the Board of Directors, we wish Craig a wonderful retirement.”

Craig Borr has served as CEO of MECA since 2012 spending decades building and cultivating relationships in Lansing and Washington D.C. on behalf of rural Michiganders. Under Borr’s leadership, Michigan cooperatives achieved historic legislative wins related to rural broadband and bipartisan legislative support for a New ERA grant application. Borr was also instrumental in obtaining favorable language for Michigan’s electric cooperatives in the historic 2016 and 2024 Michigan Clean Energy packages. And as a testament to his interest in the betterment of the entire cooperative landscape Craig skillfully advocated, along with the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA), and fellow colleagues to achieve the passage of a sweeping retirement reform, the Cooperative and Small Employer Charity Pension Flexibility Act of 2014, which has helped save billions of dollars in pension costs since its passing.

“While there are many successes that have been achieved together, the most important is the spirit of cooperation and collaboration among the members. Excellent work does not occur without member support, collaboration, and communication,” said Borr “If there is one item, I am most proud of accomplishing, it is establishing the spirit of trust among MECA and its member cooperatives.”

Borr recently helped usher in a new long-term membership agreement amongst MECA members as well as an updated dues structure.

Before taking on the role as MECA Chief Executive Officer, Borr held a variety of member-focused and executive leadership roles at Wolverine Power Cooperative culminating in his role as Executive Vice President. In his four-decade tenure with Wolverine the accomplishments are lengthy but notably include the establishment of the nation’s first retail choice cooperative, Wolverine Power Marketing Cooperative, serving large commercial and industrial members for over twenty years.

“Craig has been a trusted business partner and teammate to me for nearly 40 years. So much of Wolverine’s growth and advancement is due to Craig’s tireless work and creativity. His choice to retire is very well-deserved and his contributions will leave a legacy for decades to come. I will miss him and his partnership deeply,” said Eric Baker, President & CEO of Wolverine Power Cooperative.